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Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Claims Astro No Influence Financial Performance First Media

JAKARTA - Astro broadcast problem termination by the Director General of Post and Telecommunication was no impact on the financial performance of the main business of PT First Media Tbk (KBLV).

"Astro Claim no impact on the company's financial performance," said First Media Company Secretary Harianda Noerlan, in his report on the Stock Exchange disclosure Indonesia, in Jakarta, Sunday (2/11/2008).

The steps taken by the First Media themselves of them deny that the Astro (or any of Astro) has the right to file arbitration, litigation, and claims in the notice of arbitration.

In addition, it also has the right to fully describe the basics of counter-principal jurisdiction and the claim in a timely manner.

Meanwhile, PT Direct Vision, Astro shadowing, has been doing the same firm that conducted the First Media.

Harianda added, the company and any subsidiary has appointed a legal consultant to deal with the Astro lawsuit.

"First Media and Direct Vision has appointed simultaneously separate legal consultant," he said.

In addition, Harianda added, the Astro never tried to resolve the existing disputes using peaceful means or consultation.

As is known, broadcasts Astro All Asia Networks (AAAN) or Astro Malaysia to PT Direct Vision, starting Monday, October 20, 2008 discontinued.

Astro TV is a pay TV broadcasting brand of PT Direct Vision, and KBLV subsidiary AAAN. Disputes that occurred between the two sides led to the removal of a given broadcast rights to the AAAN Direct Vision. In fact, the only source of income comes from the Direct Vision, Astro TV customers

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