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Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

Yuk Frugality in Ramadan Month!

Necessities of life in the future we also need to consider. So, let us save the house from now on! If it had pioneered, make sure whether the savings were optimal. To crosscheck, below there are some indicators that can compare Klabers, whether the programs I've optimal frugality?

1. The biggest challenge is to minimize expense (simplify lifesytle) and customize it with your income. Want to know whether your lifestyle is in accordance with the income? Check expenditure of non-routine and your routine, if more than 55 percent of monthly income then you have undermined the lifestyle of your future. Despite the temptation to spend more, we dare you to stay disciplined in Ramadan this year.

2. Check postal loan repayment, if <= 30 percent? If more, it means your debt burden is too heavy and not risk paid off. Especially if most of the interest of consumer debt would strangle. Try to pay off as soon as possible!

3. Klabers for the children in school age children always try to bring lunch from home. In addition to more secure clean and healthy, you can also save the expenses for the snack. Give also an example. You can also combine patterns lunch with a lunch from home so that personal expenses can be reduced. Surely after Ramadan passed, yes!

4. When comparing and choosing schools for children, prioritizing the credibility of the teaching staff, facilities and practical learning activities, weight classes and teaching methods in addition to consideration of the base fee and a competitive monthly fee. Be a smart parent and do not choose schools based on the most heavily advertise! If we do research wisely could save some money.

5. Special Klabers whose children were toddlers and still learning to relieve themselves, consider combining the quality of disposable diapers 1 and quality 2 a day. Could use disposable diapers for 1 kw night sleep and disposable diapers for 2 kw nap shorter. Shopping diapers will feel more frugal.

6. Always carry a shopping list every time to shop and stick to it! It is important to avoid buying unnecessary items. When it comes to monthly or weekly shopping, try to remember previous experiences in which the store between one and two stores that sell goods and ABC XYZ cheaper. Make your own expense to have a calendar Trackers spending at home. Record such as when to replace gas / mineral water at home, when to go "big spending", when to pay your water bill / electricity, security money and others. Thus, you can evaluate the use at home, have still be saving or frugality?

7. Be a smart shopper. Shop at the required goods are on sale. Skip the store's sale without having to go and shop if you do not need anything. Shop according to the budget that have been made and good-pandailah selecting items with good quality economical price. Do not hesitate to use generic products for use every day such as cleaning floors.

8. Control the use of electricity, water, and gas at home. Start calculating how the needs of electric power, water and gas you need per day or per week. Note the use of electricity, water, and gas in your home whether as needed and not excessive. Understand calculation of electricity bills and water use PAM in detail (for more details visit the website to get tips electricity and save more!)

9. For entertainment weekly, consideration watching DVD movies with at home than going to the movies. Watching a movie can you press up once a month.

10. If the residence you have completed a number of public transport facilities, such as the KRL and the shuttle bus, try to combine your daily transportation modes. Nebeng together with neighbors in the region are still in line to and from the central office is also worth considering.

Remain enthusiastic and determined to build frugal lifestyle habits in the family. Hopefully useful and safe fast!

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